Lighting Lesson
Today, our instructor taught us a lesson about flash photography. We learned a lot about ambient lighting and how to expose the foreground and background using flash.
As you can see, all the settings are the same from these three photos, yet, each of them give off a different exposure. First, I exposed my camera to the background aka the very bright sky. (It was super sunny). After doing that, my subject was underexposed, but that's what I wanted so that I could use the flash to expose my subject. I had to move the aperture a little bit so that the picture was exactly one stop under-exposured for my flash. Instead of moving my camera settings after I took the photo, I adjusted the power of the flash. I started out with 1/8 and then moved the power up from there until my histogram showed that the exposure was okay. I eventually had to make the flash go to 1/2 so that she was exposed right.
I think next time we will continue to work with flashes and such. I hope my understanding of them gets better because I am not very good with flashes. This time, Smith kind of hinted at what I was supposed to do but next time I hope that I will be able to do it all my myself so that I can prove my understanding.