Christmas Break

Over Christmas Break, I got a new laptop and Lightroom! I'm so pumped because now I don't have to do all my editing at school and such. Over my next few blog posts I'll probably post about what all I've taken pictures of because I went super crazy.

The first person I got together with was Lmay. Initially she was just going to take photos of me but I snagged some of her, too.




SOOO, this is what happened. Earlier this day before I got with Lmay, I had to shoot something for an ad for the yearbook. I used a wide angle lens and the widest it could go was f/3.5. It was really windy outside so I got that over with and then met up with Lauren. We went to a park and she took pics of me blah blah blah then flashforward and we were at downtown Texakana. We get to this spot I like, I change lenses into the infamous 85 I use all the time, I change the ISO and then I start going at it. THIS is where I mess up. Instead of checking my aperture before I shot, I just assumed it was on f/1.8 (because I never go smaller than that with my 85) and I just shoot away. Then flashforward to the end of our shoot (like two hours later) and I REALIZE THE WHOLE TIME I WAS ON F/3.5. I WAS SO MAD AT MYSELF.

Next time, I will remember to change my aperture. Even though I'm happy with how these photos turned out I'm still disappointed at myself because they could've been better. :(((( sad sad sad