First High-Key

I had never shot a high-key before so I stole someones photo assignment because I had nothing better to do and I needed to learn how to do a high key. A high key is a picture of someone or something where the background is completely white.


This was the first time ever I had shot a high key before. Mr. Smith taught me how to shoot a high key but I had to actually do it on my own. The first time I shot it, I shot at f/11 and 1/40 and there were some color errors so I had to do it again. When I shot it the second time I shot at f/9 and 1/100 and the color was fixed.

I think I just mainly need to learn how to process these because the background isn't completely white. I'm proud of how this turned our considering it was my first time. I'm shooting another one tomorrow as well for yearbook so hopefully it will be better then.