New Experiences!

Okay so I have an X-570 Minolta camera that uses film. This morning I asked Mr. Smith how to use it and put film in it... Well when he was teaching me it ran out of battery so I had to wait until after school to get batteries and so on.. On to the point, I went to Pattersons which is our local camera store and I got some film!! Mr. Smith suggested for me to get 800 but they didn't have any and all they had was 200 so that's what I got. When I went around town, the highest that anyone had was 400 but I just figured that atleast I got some film because it's better than none. I can't wait to try it out, especially when I'm in Tennessee for  Thanksgiving break :) yay!!

Update:  (11/27/13) Okkkkaaayy, so I used all of my film and I was stupid and didn't know how to take the roll out so I opened the back (without the film rolled in) so I basically ruined the whole roll.. or at least those last pictures. DARN. So the lesson is that if you've never used film before you might want to look up how to take the film out once it is finished so you don't expose your film and mess it up. :'( I will learn from my mistake.